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Meet Bryony Rose, our Learning Coordinator. Bryony works in our Learning team, which works with schools, families and young people.

What is your favourite piece of work on display and why?

My favourite piece of work on display are the paintings of Eve in the Historic Gallery. I love the symbolism and storytelling of these three paintings, my favourite part is the flowers and foliage depicted. I have a soft spot for paintings with flowers in them as my first, middle and last name are all flowers.

Bryony holds her dissertation and smiles to the camera

What is your favourite way to get creative in your free time?

I like to make and illustrate cards, using watercolours and drawing lots of flowers.

What is your favourite part about working at Watts Gallery – Artists’ Village?

My favourite part about working at the gallery is working with the Art for All Community Learning Programme groups. Seeing individuals, who have come with their families, friends, carers, for example, bond over the art on display and the crafts they create at the workshops with us.

Why did you want to work at Watts Gallery – Artists’ Village?

I’ve lived in Guildford all my life and had heard lots about the gallery from my parents and visited a few times when I was younger. I then began stewarding here in my gap year in 2017 and loved being immersed in G F and Mary’s work. I enjoyed speaking to members of the public, hearing their thoughts about the work and often learning lots from them too. So, I came back to volunteer during my university holidays. A few of my modules were on gallery education and seeing how Watts Gallery is such a champion for outreach, it’s been great to begin my career in familiar and local organisation.

What are your plans for this year?

I plan to finally go on the holiday that has been postponed over three times due to the pandemic. Fingers crossed; I will make it to Turkey this year.

Finally, tell us an unexpected fact about yourself?

I can play the guitar and piano. I love American country music! If I could have any other job in the world, it would to be a country singer. I love Dolly Parton, and Jolene was the first song I learnt to play on the guitar.