About Edges

13 July - 3 November 2024

Explore site-specific installations and a sound trail across Limnerslease and the Watts Cemetery Chapel.

The project called Edges is produced by artist-curators Kay Aplin and Joseph Young of The Ceramic House (UK) in partnership with Irish curator and sound artist Richard Carr.

Edges explores ceramics and sound art practice through the work of artists from three nations at the western and eastern fringes of Europe - Ireland, UK and Estonia. The works were developed as part of artist residencies and international exchanges, creating collaborative encounters across the two disciplines.

Edges explores what it means to work at the edge of something and how we understand the outsider. This work also expands on the idea of artistic practice as a so-called ‘cutting edge’, through the investigation of geographical boundaries and coastlines of the host nations.

This culminating exhibition is the result of three separate artist residencies and one new commission. All of the artworks exhibited can be seen as experimental iterations, made under tight time constraints and in response to place and site. The work was previously shown at Wexford Arts Centre in February – March 2024, augmented by new works created during the residency undertaken by Kay and Joseph at Watts Gallery from October - December 2023.

Joseph Young (UK)
Kay Aplin (UK)
Richard Carr (IE)

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