Foyle Pottery Studio health and safety terms and conditions

All users of the Foyle Pottery Studio do so at their own risk with awareness of the inherent risks of a pottery studio environment.

This includes, but are not limited to; dust, specifically silica dust, and the use of sharp tools. Silica dust is a hazardous substance if breathed in and is contained in dried clays and glazes. Maintaining a clean working environment is essentials to help reduce the risk of dust being created.

Throughout the session learners are required to maintain a general cleanliness of their working areas and to clean up any spillages immediately. A wet sponge, cloth, or mop should be used for all cleaning no brushing or dry cleaning should be undertaken.

All tools used should be washed after use and hands should be washed regularly and at the end of the session to remove any residual clay. These actions should help to minimise the risks to all, which could be caused by breathing in clay and dust.

Clothes for messy work, sturdy closed toe footwear and an apron should be worn, long hair to be tied back and limited hand/wrist jewellery to be worn.

Skin sensitivity can result from working with materials commonly used in ceramics, so good hand care is important, you may find that using moisturiser after working with clay or using a barrier cream beneficial. Wounds or sore areas on hands should be covered before working with clay, disposable gloves are provided if required.

At the end of the session learners are advised to wash clothes and aprons worn before storing them.

No eating or drinking to be undertaken in the pottery studio. We have benches outside the studio should you wish to take a comfort break at any point.

A first aid kit and eye wash are available in the pottery studio. In case of an accident, report to a member of staff immediately.

If a fire alarm sounds during your session leave the studio immediately via the nearest exit and meet at the picnic benches in front of the Sculpture Gallery.

Firing and collection of work

On occasions ceramic pieces may crack or break during the firing process which may result in piece(s) not being salvageable.

Please allow for up to one month after your workshop date for your pieces to be ready for collection. The Learning and Engagement team will get in touch with you via the email you booked onto your workshop with, for details of how to collect your work.

Thank you
WGAV Learning and Engagement Team