About Winter at Watts

This winter, enjoy an enchanting day out. See Victorian Virtual Reality, Limnerslease, home to George and Mary Watts and the Sculpture Gallery full of George's monumental sculptures, marvel at the decorative Watts Chapel, visit Roots and Journeys in Watts Contemporary Gallery and tuck into a seasonal menu in the Tea Shop. Wrap up warm, take a walk around the site and spot winter flowers and shrubs.

The Historic Galleries (including the De Morgan exhibition) are closed temporarily, following a small fire in an external building.

New year, new skills

Throughout January, be inspired by the incredible surroundings at Watts Gallery and try your hand at something new with opportunities to sketch onsite. All activities are free with admission.

Wall full of sketches

Sketching studio

Saturday and Sundays throughout January, 10.30am - 4pm in the Clore Learning Studio. Practice your drawings skills, take away your masterpiece or add it to the sketching wall gallery! All materials will be provided. everyone welcome
Decorative panel hung on wall in gallery

Drop in and draw

Mondays throughout January, 10.30am - 12pm. Head to Limnerslease: Artists' Home for a relaxed sketching session in the house and studios. Materials will be provided, but if you'd like to bring your own please only bring dry materials (e.g. pencils or pastels). All abilities welcome.
A red room featuring a wooden fireplace, mirror and chaise longue

Limnerslease art detective trail

Everyday, 10.30am - 4pm. Pick up a trail to hunt for details and decorations around George and Mary Watts's house.

Plan your visit
